
12 Peachey CG News Do you know your neighbour? We all used to know each other, check on each other and share stuff. When was the last time you gave an anonymous kindness? Now is a great time to surprise someone with humanity. One of the great things about Peachey CG is, a garden is a great equalizer, it doesn’t matter whatever your story is, we won’t ask, we love watching people unwind, relax, feel safe enough to heal and grow. Nature is the best place to let life in again. Story time with Mia Once upon a time there was a mum with 2 kids, aged 6 and 1. This Mum was looking for somewhere local where she could bring her kids, have an outdoor experience, be of service to the community and maybe learn a thing or two. This Mumma and her 2 littles ones were welcomed with open arms at the Peachey Community Garden. What a joy to regularly visit a space where she felt safe to let her children run and explore, give of herself to the community with simple tasks as weeding and watering, while also learning hints and tips of gardening, to try out in her own home. Her children were being modelled the value of community and giving of yourself to community by the wonderful members of the garden. They experienced the knowledge of members, sampled home grown food picked straight off the vines and bushes, while sometimes being given rides in the wheelbarrow. They were free to be themselves while the Mumma had many eyes keeping watch as well. It was a simple time, good old fashioned garden work with many hands and joyful conversation. Fast forward many years later the trees have grown and the children have grown, one still enjoys picnics with her friends under the trees and the other is studying environmental science at uni. The Mumma has learnt so much about The Value of Community, shared her gardening tips n tricks on the radio and is still involved in this fabulous Community garden. Kids Corner More than all the toys in the world, kids love hanging out with the ones that love them the most. Simple cardboard box cars, castles, and shop fronts. Activities don’t need to cost. If you find it difficult prying kids away from screens, create a picnic in the backyard. This not only gets needed oxygen to their bodies, it is believed as bare feet and hands touch the earth and grass, their bodies “ground”. This is a great way to discharge electromagnetic frequencies, causing kids to be calm and present. Nature is a great healing mechanism. Peachey Plans Peachey is working alongside the Ormeau Progress Association to create a space for those with varying ability ranges. We now have an ability toilet on site and planning easier access to these with pathways and raised garden beds. If you would like to be involved in creating a legacy that grows beyond yourself we’d love to hear from you . Free to beautify your space. Bring buckets, bring your trailer, fill it with bark chips for your gardens, walkways and under swing sets, . We are making a new space for bark chips and need more taken away. Please come and help yourself. Great for no dig gardens or filling up space in raised garden beds. Located at the Peachey CG entrance on McCreadie road. Scraps for soil project. Please note at this time we cannot take any kitchen scraps. We will resume this soil making service in a few weeks. Community Share Chest is on site at Peachey. This is a service of a community pantry for all if you are passing by drop in and take a look. Grab something for your drive or grab something for someone else. Gifts of nonperishable food and small household items are welcome. PEACHEY CG EVENTS Paint in the Park Enjoy an afternoon of painting and sipping your favourite beverage out in the open air, the more you bring the less it costs. Canvas, paint apron, easel, brushes, if you have these there is no cost. Canvas $10 each and Paint $5 . Date to be announced on FB and on site at Peachey . 0424171019 to reserve your spot in the sun. Crop Swap Sunday 7th July from 3pm each month. No $$ exchanged, come and swap what you grow or create, packaging products, made food, eggs, garden stakes, household items are usually in this mix. As well as a cuppa and snack. All welcome. Ladybugs Nature Playgroup Tuesdays 10-30am -12pm with Bella. Women and children of all ages welcome. 0490 129 856 mothersyogacircle@gmail.com WHERE IS PEACHEY COMMUNITY GARDEN? Peachey Community Garden. Corner of Tillyroen and Mc Creadie Roads Ormeau Friday Mornings: 9am -afternoon. Light morning tea provided. Saturday Mornings: Annemarie has a stall at the Helensvale High School Markets selling seeds, also offering a garden design service so you can grow at home. 6am – 11am Sunday afternoons: 3pm until the mozzies come out Afternoon tea provided. Contact: Peachey Member 0424 171 019 Email: peacheycg@gmail.com