26 FREE for not-for-profit community & sporting groups COMMUNITY NOTICES PARADISE POINT SENIORS Community Centres, Community Lane, Paradise Point. 50 and over? Come and join our friendly members in our activities. Carpet bowls and cards on Monday, Thursday, Saturday 12-00 to 3-00pm. Afternoon tea provided. Monthly bus trips on Fridays, visiting very interesting places. Wednesday in small hall next door there is a painting class plus cards from 11.30 to 3.00pm. We will teach you in a very friendly manner. All welcome. Club President Ross Kimberley 0417925855, Noreen 0410875763, Noeline 0415134126, Painting contact Steph 0415171798. RUNAWAY BAY AND DISTRICT SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION INC Over 50’s come along and join us every Tuesday from 9-11am. Great way to meet new friends and socialise. Activities of our Club include Tai Chi classes $3 per session and $3 entrance fee. Craft sessions $3 entrance fee. Bus trips depending on support. Yearly financial membership fee $5 paid annually. First visit free. Morning Tea provided. Everyone works to their own ability. For more info email runawaybayseniorcitizens@gmail.com SOUTHPORT SENIOR CITIZENS ASSN. INC. – come along & find Friends, Fun & Fitness. Activities – Line, New Vogue & Tap dancing. Air conditioned hall – 2 Whitby Street, Southport, parking Owen Park. Cost per activity $4 per member, membership fees $10per year. See www. southportseniorcitizens.com & Facebook page or PH Pamia Little 0439 718 674 for more info. ROTARY CLUB OF PARKWOOD is the perfect place for you to meet new people who enjoy a good laugh while contributing in the community. Our club has been supporting those in need both locally and internationally for 30 years and we look forward to continuing into the future and maybe you’d like to join us. We meet 6pm for 6:30pm most Tuesdays at the Parkwood Tavern for dinner, drinks, great guest speakers, fun and friendship. New members are always welcome. Call Deb 0433414416 or email presidentparkwoodrotary@gmail.com SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL GOLD COAST is a not for profit organisation. It is a worldwide organisation for women, working through service projects to * Raise the Status of Women. * Advance Human Rights for all * Promote equality, development and peace. There are over 85,000 women worldwide who call themselves a Soroptimist. We speak up for women of all nations through AWARENESS, ADVOCACY AND ACTION. We enjoy social activities and establish lasting friendships with women at home and overseas. We meet on 4th Monday for dinner at 5.30pm at CSi Club Southport, meeting to follow. We are always actively seeking new members. Send Robyn an SMS on 0476395018 SENIOR TAP DANCE FITNESS CLASS. SOUTHPORT. Wednesdays 12.15. Tap dancing is good for seniors body & mind, the perfect way to have some fun whilst improving your health & happiness, with many other advantages! Burns calories, gets the heart rate up, improves memory, improves balance, reduces stress. Senior tap classes are the perfect way to exercise, learn new skills, socialise and keep fit. Call Gwen 0466946115. PROBUS CLUB HOPE ISLAND meets every third Wednesday of the month at 9.30am at Club Helensvale, Discovery Drive, Helensvale for fun and fellowship in retirement. We are a friendly, mixed club and welcome visitors to join us for the range of activities we provide. Contact Lynne at lynne_j@bigpond.com GOLD COAST SENIORS ON THE NET (SOTN) is a computer club for seniors (aged 50 and over) who are interested in learning about Computers, Tablets and Smart Phones (Android, iPad and iPhone), software and associated equipment for education, interest and enjoyment. We offer a large variety of courses, usually in the format of one-on-one lessons with an experienced tutor. Mon-Wed 9am to 4pm. Call on 0478 278 202 or 0478 278 243 or email officemanager@goldcoastsotn.com.au THE OXENFORD BOSOM BUDDIES BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meets the first Thursday of every month at 10am at the Oxenford/Coomera Community and Youth Centre, 25 Leo Graham Way Road, Oxenford. A group for breast cancer people, their family, friends and supporters, everyone welcome. A morning tea is supplied by the Oxenford Bakers Delight. Lee 0439 754 180. PARADISE POINT & NORTHERN DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION is reaching out to residents of Division 4 to come along to our meetings. We discuss all local issues that you may have concerns about. If you have any issues please let us know so we can help. We meet at the small Community hall on Community Lane, Paradise Point on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. You can join our group with membership of $5 per year. Our local councillor Shelley Curtis will be attending each of meetings (time permitting). We also have the chance to win a lovely meat tray. President Diane Woods on 0418 654 388 or our Secretary Roger Gordon on 0450 403 807. QCWA - COOMERA BRANCH - The Queensland Country Women’s Association (qcwa.org.au) is for women of all ages, from all walks of life and with different life experiences. We enjoy getting together monthly on the 2nd Wednesday for friendship, sharing and developing skills in healthy cookery, knitting & crochet, public speaking, photography, floral art as well as fundraising for local community, state and international causes. Check FB (qcwa Coomera), come to our Craft day on the 3rd Wednesday monthly, or call 0456625776. Children Welcome. JP SERVICES AVAILABLE at Coomera Police Centre, 11 DeBarnett St. Monday-Friday 8-11.30am, every Monday & Wednesday & Friday 1-4pm. No appointments required. • CENTRAL • THRIVING MULTICULTURAL COMMUNITIES (TMC) is a non-for-profit organisation that promotes the benefits of multiculturalism, differences of opinion, and the contribution of all communities. We provide Settlement Engagement Transition Support Services (SETS), Training and Employment, Learning 2 Drive Safe, Community Development, Youth, Older Persons and more. Visit our website www.tmcgc.org or contact us at (07) 55917261. GOLD COAST LINE DANCING, New & Early Beginners through to Intermediate level, 9.30 to 11.30am Mon. to Fri. Italo-Australia Club. 18 Fairway Dr. Clear Island Waters. Wednesday night 6.00 to 8.30pm and Saturday morning 9.30am to 12.00 noon New to Upper Beginners, William Duncan School Hall, Cnr Alexander Dr. & Explorers Way, Highland Park, Nerang. For more info contact Pam Probert 0410 505 740 pamseye@hotmail.com or Peter Probert 0490 467 032 peterprobert@hotmail.com ACTIVE MEN & WOMEN of good character are invited to assist Ashmore Lions Club to make a difference in our local communities, whilst socialising, networking and fostering new friendships at the same time. We meet for Dinner & Business Functions from 6.30 for 7pm (finish by 9pm) on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays monthly at Tigers AFL Sports Club, 28 Ashton Street, Labrador. PH: 0419-281169 or email: ashmore.lions@gmail.com. U3A BROADBEACH , UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE , welcomes new members who are over 50 and looking to continue their learning in a fun and social group setting. Take a look at our web sitewww.U3A Broadbeach.com. to get a flavour of our broad range of courses, activities and excursions and advice on how to join us. Our activities take place in centres in Broadbeach, Robina, Burleigh Waters and Mudgeeraba. Opportunities include ukulele, languages, history and memoirs, mah jong, yoga, art, choral singing, ukulele, card playing, walking, armchair travel, guitar, garden appreciation, discussion group, lunches and excursions. We are also always delighted to have volunteers to tutor new courses/activities. ROBINA LITERARY CLUB meets fortnightly Saturdays 12noon at the Robina Library to share literary fun in poetry and prose. PH: Sam 55809118.” “I would like to thank the BLUE CARE GRIEF AND LOSS program for their great support following the death of my son. I was broken, lost and empty, sinking into a black bottomless hole. Not being able to laugh or be happy again, while struggling with guilt for being alive, I mourned and shared my story with six others for eight weeks, feeling supported from those in the Grief and Loss group. I have now learned to live, love and laugh again. My boy would not want me sad and broken. I can’t recommend this group highly enough. It has brought me back to life.” Blue Care Grief and Loss is FREE for those who have lost a loved one through death. In a confidential environment, two facilitators guide the small group through different aspects of their grief. Registrations are necessary. Please ring Lyn on 0407 374 137 or Kaye on 0422 111 809. GOLD COAST PALS INC SOCIAL CLUB, Seniors Friendship Group. Get our monthly programme of activities including Restaurants, Shows, BBQ & lunches etc. Make new friends, don’t stay home alone. Contact Margaret 0416 119 704 or Patricia 0413 284 367 COASTAL MACHINE KNITTERS- Meetings take place second Monday of each month (except Jan.) from 8.45am, meeting starts 9.30am, 2 demonstrations, on “Brother”, and “Singer” machines, at Franklin Craft Centre, 238 Mudgeeraba Rd, Mudgeeraba. Donated yarn welcome. Subscription is $30 a year. Contact Mary on 5572 0993, or Sheryll on 0421 632 574. COASTAL CHARISMA CHORUS! Love to sing? Experience the joy of four-part, barbershop harmony with Coastal Charisma, a dynamic women’s chorus based on the Gold Coast. Rehearsals every Tuesday night 7pm at Life Development Centre, 67 Warrener Street, Nerang (next to the station). Whether you’re a seasoned singer or simply love music, we welcome you to join our community. Discover the Harmony. Embrace the Friendship. Share the Fun. Enquiries - membership@coastalcharisma.com THE BROADBEACH SENIORS CLUB - 23 T.E. Peters Drive, Broadbeach invites new members and visitors over 50 to join in and enjoy a variety of activities. A concert is held at 1pm on the first and third Thursday of each month with afternoon tea provided. Bus excursion fourth Thursday of each month to places of interest with lunch provided. Sporting activities including indoor bowls provided for members to enjoy. The Club is welcoming and friendly, please come along and join the fun. Nancy 0423 792 810. VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA Exit International is an advocacy group that meets regularly at Robina, South Tweed and Ballina, to discuss end of life choices. We will discuss the many up-to-date methods that will allow you to die with dignity, in a peaceful, pain free manner, at a time and a place of your choosing. Attendees must be Exit members. For information: www.exitinternational.net or PH: Local Coordinator Cath: 0435 228 443 (Robina & South Tweed) or Peter 0429 950 352 (Ballina) BOCCE PLAYERS WANTED Italo Australian Bocce Club wish to invite new bocce players (male & female) over 55 to play in our indoor courts venue, held at the Italian Club in Clear Island Waters every Wednesday and Friday mornings, from 9am. $5 p.w. Phillip 0403137759. SWIMMERS OF ALL AGES WELCOME. Sharks swim club meets at Somerset college pool in Mudgeeraba each Sunday morning from October to April. Handicap style races makes it fun for all. 18 - 80+ ages. A bit of fitness and a lot of fun. Ph Helen 0419781352. GC DEMENTIA FRIENDLY NETWORK. Come along to our monthly community connections where we share what’s out there for people living with dementia. Nerang Library, Cnr White & Price Sts from 10.30-12noon 4th Wednesday of the month. email: gcdementia@gmail.com MAHJONG - We are a group of senior ladies who play Mahjong at the Broadbeach Bowls Club on Fridays 1-4pm If you would like to join us message only to Joy 0417784838. Bookings: www.javeenbah.org.au Phone 0417 004 466 • Email info@javeenbah.org.au CNR STEVENS & FERRY STREETS, NERANG Music & Lyrics by Jeff Blim Book by Nick & Matt Lang Originally produced by StarKid Productions 8 - 22 FEBRUARY 2025