29 TILE REGROUTING Silicone rejuvenation, leaky shower repairs. Pool surrounds. Trade Qualified tiler/waterproofer. PH: 0468 928 015. SMART TV SETUP/HELP Install new apps. Convert old TV to smart TV. Tuition on how to use. $50ph. Ph Gabriel: 0429 176 909 AT HOME COMPUTER HELP Problem solving or tuition on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Windows, Apple or Android. $50ph. Call Gabriel 0429 176 909. TV EXPERT Wall Mounting, Tuning, Setup Antenna Installation & Repair Foxtel & AV Equipment Help Call TV Magic 0488 899 849 HANDYMAN/CARPENTER Experienced with fix-it skills for most jobs. Servicing Central/ North Gold Coast. $60 p/h. Minimum 1 hour. No job too small. No call out fee. Police checked. 0402 990 277 RUBBISH REMOVALS 10 X 5 CAGED BOX TRAILER Ring for quote. Call 0417 792 600 ROOF GUTTERS GUTTERS, DOWNPIPES AND LEAF MESH. New, replacement or clean. Fully experienced & licensed plumber. Lic No 1183898. Call Neil 0432 075 611. PLASTERER Gyprock, small jobs, stipple. Exp. Tradesman. Rod 0417 784 458. PICKUP & DELIVERY SERVICE Have you bought something online or from a shop? Caged Box Trailer 10x 5ft Call for quote. 0417 792 600. AIR CONDITIONING Supply and installation. Servicing, cleaning and maintenance. Pensioner/seniors discounts. Lic. L091652. Peter 0423444159 Reverse Cycle Airconditioning. CLASSIFIEDS RATES: $20 for first two lines & $5 for each extra line PAYMENT: M/card, Visa, EFT | E: info@localnewsletters.com ALL IT ISSUES IT Made Simple! Jargon free, no hidden costs. Any issue, any device, anytime. 30 years in IT. Excellent references. $50 per hour. Remote help or in person. Call David on 0432 088 411. CLEANER AN EXPERIENCED, HONEST, RELIABLE LADY with excellent references COVID Safe. $45ph. Paradise Point-Broadbeach. Ph: 0438 253 093. GARDEN CARE Lawnmowing front & back from $30. All Gold Coast. Pensioner/seniors discounts. Ph: Gill 0400 744 290. CAN I PARK MY CAR? ...On your property? PH: Stan 0418 807 052. NDIS JUNK REMOVAL House or yard maintenance. Shower Deep Cleaning NDIS Reg. Provider PH: 0468 928 015 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS: In the placement of material with the Publisher for publication, advertisers INDEMNIFY the Publisher, his employees and agents against all liability claims or demands whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of the foregoing to indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles, unfair competition or trade practises, royalties or violation of rights of privacy AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that this publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and that nothing therein is capable of being in breach of Part V of the Trade Practises Act 1984. Pick up a Gold Coast Over 50’s Magazine at one of the Distribution Points between Beenleigh and Coolangatta • Libraries • Bowls, Golf, Yacht & Bridge Clubs • Other Sports & Services Clubs • Local Shopping Centres • Medical Centres • Over 50’s Villages & Resorts Locally Owned & Operated by Geoff 0411 134 507 - Advertising Wendy 0414 770 102 - Editorial Phone: (07) 5527 0314 Email: info@localnewsletters.com PO Box 3302, Burleigh Town 4220 Your Local Newsletters Published by The Smith Family and each club sponsors ‘Learning For Life’ students. Surfers Paradise View Club sponsors eight students and is the original VIEW Club in Qld. We welcome all in the name of friendship and charitable purpose. Monthly friendship groups include: Mahjong, Craft, Coffee and Book Club. Call Felicity on 0402 810 395 to take up this invitation or seek out view.org.au THE HINTERLAND COMMUNITY BAND - Mudgeeraba. If you play an instrument and are interested in playing in a concert band, please contact us. We are seeking- all woodwinds, brass, and percussion players, all ages from teens to retirees. We rehearse every Thursday evening between 6.30 and 8.30, and we perform several concerts each year. Hall Hire- our hall and tearoom is also available for hire to other community groups at very reasonable rates. Contact Michael on 0414 323 997. GOLD COAST CARAVAN CLUB - Prospective new members are invited to attend three rallies as a Visitor, after which they may proceed with their “Application for Membership”. We hold 11 rallies each year at various locations within approx. 200km from Gold Coast. To become a member, you must own an R.V. and be over 18 years of age. Current membership is made up of mostly mature couples who enjoy travelling our country and seeing different places. Secretary, Estelle James Email: goldcoastcaravanclub@gmail. com - Ph 0409 632 085. VINNIES ASHMORE CITY ARE LOOKING FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS to join our team in our retail store. If you have 4 hours spare a week and enjoy meeting people and helping give back to our community please call Lucresha on 0408 887 532 BRASS, WIND, PERCUSSION, AND BASS PLAYERS WANTED for a fun, low-cost, community band. The Rookies Band rehearses Tuesdays at 4.20 at the Mudgeeraba Uniting Church and welcomes players of all ages to perform at upcoming gigs. Sally M: 0418664141 E: Rookiesbandgc@gmail.com or find us on Facebook. GOLD COAST ROSE SOCIETY meets on the 4th Saturday of the month at the Robina Community Centre at 2pm. We are passionate rosarians who grow beautiful roses on the Gold Coast and Northern NSW and invite anyone with a love of roses to attend a meeting for some afternoon tea. Email goldcoastrosesociety@gmail.com • SOUTHERN • BURLEIGH HEADS AND MIAMI SENIOR CITIZENS club now welcomes all senior citizens back to join our fun filled activities at Maher Hall, 40 Matilda St, Burleigh Heads. These include, indoor bowls, trivia, cards, table tennis and line dancing . Only $3 per visit which includes morn/afternoon tea and prizes all in air conditioned comfort.Come along meet friends, have fun and liven up your life. PH Allan 0433227676 for further information. PROBUS CLUB OF BURLEIGH WATERS invites retirees to attend their next monthly meeting to be held 10am Monday 17 February at Burleigh Sports Club , Christine Avenue, Burleigh Waters. Nominally a Men’s Club with spouses/partners invited to all outings and meetings. Contact Trevor on 0408660752. THE LEISURETIME ARTS AND CRAFT GROUP at Elanora is looking for a volunteer to interact with and supervise our Acrylics Art Class. Please call Carol on 0407 151 787 if you can help us by filling this spot. We meet on Wednesday mornings during QLD School Terms from 9.30am to 12 noon at the Uniting Church Hall, 17 Applecross Way, Elanora. We also offer a range of Craft Classes and Sketching and Watercolour Classes. It’s a pleasant, happy environment and we’d love to welcome you. iSPEAK KIDNEY SUPPORT GROUP - We are informal group for people with kidney disease that meets on 3rd Tuesday of the month, 9.15-11.30am with meeting dates 18 Feb, 18 March, 15 April, 20 May, 17 June, 15 July, 19 August, 16 Sept, 21 Oct, 18 Nov. Guest speaker each month. 2 venues-Varsity Sports House, 227 Christine Ave, Varsity Lakes & Helensvale Library in Meeting Room 1 on Level 1. Online option to join meetings. Contact CKD Nurses Donna & Lorraine (Nrs Bubblez) on 0436673433/0436861222, email gch_ckd_ service@health.qld.gov.au GOLD COAST SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCERS invite you to share the joy of Scottish Country Dancing. We have a 4 week BEGINNERS & IMPROVERS CLASS running each Thursday in February 2025 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. A wonderful opportunity to make new friends, keep the mind & body active and best of all have something great to look forward to each week. No partner is necessary, just wear comfortable soft sole shoes and bring along your enthusiasm. We are a not for profit club so enjoy 2 hours of fun for $5. Maher Hall, 42 Matilda St, Burleigh Heads. Enq Tina 0423598061 Regular classes resume each Thursday thereafter from 7pm to 9pm. ZUMBA GOLD low impact dance fitness for active over 50s. Go at your own pace. $6/ person. Tugun Village Comm. Centre, 414 Coolangatta Rd TUGUN on Tues 7am & 8:30am AND Thurs 8:30am & 10am. Burleigh Seniors Hall, 42 Matilda St BURLEIGH on Wed 9am. TWEED Civic Centre on Tues 11:30am (NSW). Fun, fitness & friendship. All welcome. No bookings just turn up. Enquiries: Sharon 0405534842 PALM BEACH NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE – WEEKLY EVENTS / All Sessions (10am – 12noon) Tuesdays – Craft Sessions. Bring your own craft project or join in on one of our diverse craft projects. Enjoy a chat with like-minded women in a relaxed atmosphere. Wednesdays – Wellbeing Wednesdays. Free weekly activities from Yoga to Aqua Aerobics. Break the cycle of stress, through pleasure & leisure, connect with supportive community members. Focusing on self-care & resilience building. Bookings required – contact Reception. Thursdays – Sewing Circle. Join our friendly sewing circle! Work Do something special. Give blood. Call 13 14 95 download the app or donateblood.com.au