
30 FREE for not-for-profit community & sporting groups COMMUNITY NOTICES on your own project or on our group projects, whilst enjoying pleasant conversations. All sessions are free of charge. Art, craft, sewing supplies and sewing machines are provided. Contact PBNC Reception– 5598 1505. BURLEIGH PALM BEACH VIEW CLUB meets on the third Tuesday of the month at Treetops Tavern, Executive Drive, West Burleigh, at 10.30am. VIEW (Voice, Interests and Education of Women) Clubs support the work of the Smith Family in helping disadvantaged Australian school children succeed in their education, while offering fun and friendship opportunities to their members. New members are always welcome at this friendly club. The first meeting for 2025 is on Tuesday 18 February. PH: Nancye on 0431 709 211. COMPUTER CLUB - website: retiredonline.com.au - For 50’s and over to help develop your computer and smart phone skills. Bring along your own devices (laptop, Android, tablet, iPad, iPhone) and any questions you may need answered. Meeting: 10am-12noon 1st & 3rd Monday of each month at Palm Beach Share-N-Care Centre, 31 Tenth Ave, Palm Beach. Visitors welcome. Entry: $5. Enquiries Lynette 0481 318 688 or email rolinfo@ retiredonline.com.au DRAGONBOAT PADDLING-BURLEIGH FIRE DRAGONS. Located behind the tennis courts at Burleigh Sports Club, Christine Ave. Try a new sport on Lake Orr either socially or competitively. All welcome, male and female. We usually paddle on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Training times may vary according to seasonal events. For more info contact secretaryburleighfd@gmail.com or PH: Lesley on 0493058716. DRAGON BOATING - Come and try a fantastic fun traditional sport of Dragon Boating with our friendly group of members all over 50. Either socially or competitively welcome. Both male and females welcome. We train on the beautiful Currumbin Creek at the back of Palm Beach AFL Club Wednesday 5.00pm on water 5.30pm and Saturday morning 6.45am for on water 7am. Bring a towel and water bottle. Training for first three sessions free. For further details ph Norm ph 0407162619 or Chris Ph 0402137861 Kin Dragon Boat Club. WANT TO PLAY CARDS? 500 every Tuesday at 9am. We play at Maher Hall 44 Matilda Street, Burleigh Heads. Please contact Ian 0475 596 200. BURLEIGH HEADS TENNIS SOCIAL CLUB are looking for ladies to join our very friendly club. We play two days, Monday and Friday, from 8am to approx 10.30. Intermediate standard is preferred. PH: Cheryl 0416819340. The club is at 150 West Burleigh Road (entry via Matilda Street). MAHJONG VARSITY LAKES players are welcome to join our group on Mondays 10:30am - 1pm at Varsity Lakes Community and Resource Centre, 20 Mattocks Rd. Cost $8 non-members $6 members, refreshments provided. For those who would like to learn Mahjong, Beginners Classes are held throughout the year - (4 lessons over 2 weeks) next course February 2025. Week 1 - Monday 10 Feb 10:30am – 1pm & Tuesday 11 Feb 12:15pm – 2:15pm, Week 2 Monday 17 Feb 10:30am – 1pm & Tuesday 18 Feb 12:15pm – 2:15pm Cost $50 includes Membership. Max of 4 participants. PH: Community Centre to book 5593 7006. CRIME STOPPERS – Gold Coast South is a friendly open team of volunteers, looking to expand their volunteer base. Meeting monthly only on the 1st Friday of the month at 9am for 1 hour at Mudgeeraba Community Centre, Glen Tozer MP Office, 1st Floor First Park, Mudgeeraba. Uniform and ID supplied. Activities are fun and varied, with shopping centre displays, assisting our guest speakers with sales and giveaways , shows, etc. Any age welcome. Contact: Keith Knight 0407 113 665 anytime. FIBROMYALGIA, CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME INFORMATION AND SUPPORT GROUP meets on the first Friday of every month at 10:30 am (AEST) at the Community Centre, Cnr. Heffron Street and Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South. All welcome. For further information call Bronwyn on 0404553916. LINE DANCE WITH LEAH - Wednesday: Varsity Lakes Community Centre, 20 Mattocks Rd. 12.30pm-1.15pm Absolute Beginners. 1.30pm- 3.30pm High BeginnerImprovers. Enquiries Leah Cook 0403 460 365. DANCERCISE CLASSES will get your body moving to latin rhythms to boost your general health & fitness, mental clarity and happiness. All-comers (BEGINNERS too) & all ages welcome, women and men. We go for coffee and brunch after our morning classes. KIRRA HILL Community Centre (Qld times): 11am Mondays & 10am Fridays (1 Garrick St, Coolangatta). ELANORA Community Centre (Qld times): 6.30pm Mondays & 10am Tuesdays (26 Galleon Way). CLASSES operate public holidays & school holidays. INFO: 0413125640 Peter. CURRUMBIN HAPPY GROUP INC. is an eclectic mix of senior citizens who meet weekly on Tuesday mornings from 9am for the main purpose of defeating social isolation for elderly folk with an age range from 60s into late 90s at the Elanora Uniting church hall at 17 Applecross Way Elanora. We aim to provide a safe happy environment where seniors can interact with each other and enjoy many activities every week a different musical entertainment is provided,all with a view to encouraging some respite from the everyday issues faced. Everyone welcome. Contact Vice-President Yvonne on 0438 167 822. CURRUMBIN CALORIE COUNTERS is a not-for-profit weight loss club, run voluntarily by members for over 50 years. Despite our title there are no set diet or exercise plans. You do it YOUR WAY! We offer you support, encouragement & accountability through low fees, small rewards, helpful tips & professionally calibrated scales - all in a friendly, non-judgmental atmosphere with LOTS OF LAUGHS! We meet Mondays 9-10.30 am at Palm Beach Currumbin (Alleygators) Rugby Club, 15 Bienvenue Dr Currumbin Waters (behind the shops). For info, call Shirley on 56335223 or 0408887263 or just come along & join us. U3A SOUTHERN GOLD COAST is an organisation that provides a selection of more than 50 interest groups to anyone who wishes to enrich their lives through learning. QiGong, Yoga, Singing, Art and Craft classes, Topical Issues, Language and Technology classes. Check our website for more classes. www. u3asoutherngoldcoast.org.au or contact us Monday to Thursday from 9am-12pm on 0755347333. TAOIST TAI CHI SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA Inc offers new classes of instruction in taoist tai chi at QCWA Hall, 169 Griffith St, Coolangatta, weekly on Thursday 8:15-9:15am. The sessions are open to all ages and health conditions. The first session is obligation free. Pre-registration is essential; e: brisbane@taoisttaichi.org or ph 1800 108 801. THE CARPENTERS WORKSHOP at Elanora cater for men and women who enjoy woodworking and interacting with others. Tuesday Wednesday and Friday mornings 8-12. New members welcome. Currently seeking instructors who have a love for woodwork, possess good communication and teaching skills in carpentry and woodturning. If interested PH: Kev on 0409493781. GOLD COAST SOUTH PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP - are informal get togethers for those who are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, their family and friends. Gain support from others and information from presenters in a relaxed environment. 4th Monday of the month at 11th Ave Community Space, 25 Eleventh Ave, Palm Beach. Enq goldcoaststhpdgroup@gmail.com or 1800 644 189 via Parkinson QLD Office. TWEED HEADS CROQUET CLUB If you haven’t yet had a try at playing croquet, why not give it a try now! We welcome players of all ages and abilities. It is a game of limited amounts of exercise but plenty of brain teasing. We meet Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings at 39 Recreation St. (corner Steep St.) Tweed Heads. Our social club meets twice monthly to play Mah Jong - all welcome. PH: 0755367019 or tweedheads@croquetqld.org CROQUET AT BURLEIGH HEADS PALM BEACH CROQUET CLUB. A fun, recreational outdoor sport for all ages and abilities. Improves eye-hand co-ordination and keeps you thinking! Equipment, coaching, and refreshments provided. First 2 sessions are free. Play days: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 12:30 for 1pm start. 1 Abelia St, Palm Beach. Behind the 19th Avenue sports fields. Enquiries: 0423 029 224 or e: croquet.BHPB@gmail.com TEN PIN BOWLING. Monday mornings at 9.30am (AEST)at Tweed Ten Pin Bowling, 55 Wharf St., Tweed Heads. Both men and women welcomed. Great social outing. Friendly people. Please ring Karen on 043756640. LIONS CLUB OF COOLANGATTA AND TWEED HEADS is actively recruiting new members to join our club, based on the border part of the Gold Coast. Currently we have 14 members who enjoy fundraising community activities, such as a sausage sizzle at the Kingscliff markets every 2nd Saturday morning, Christmas Cake Sales, Youth of the Year, Rugby League gate sales and despatch of used prescription glasses to 3rd world countries. Contact Julian on 0408142244 or say hello at the popular Kingscliff markets - every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. STOCKLAND BURLEIGH HEADS HEART FOUNDATION WALKING GROUP. No cost mall walking at Stocklands Shopping Centre with a congenial group of retirees. 6:45am Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Meet at Coffee Club around 6:30am or once we are inside the chairs near Big W are home base. Walk indoors at your own pace, stay for coffee afterwards. New members always welcome. Just show up any time or enquire with cynthiaf@bigpond.net.au GOLD COAST TALLEBUDGERA LIONS CLUB meet 6pm every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Currumbin RSL Club. With many projects in our area we welcome those who like to help others. Call 0417 425 466 or email tallebudgera.qld@lions.org.au SOUTHERN GOLD COAST 60 & BETTER PROGRAM INC welcomes people over 50 to join us for social connection and friendship at our two location, Elanora and Palm Beach. We offer a wide variety of activities, such as; Yoga, Pilates, Exercise and Falls Prevention Classes, Table Tennis, Cards, Board Games, Men’s Fitness, Men’s Social chat, Conversation Circle, Art Club, Computer help etc. Call Khye on 5525 6466. COOLANGATTA/TWEED VIEW CLUB meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month for lunch at the South Tweed Sports Club, 11am for 11.30am. We welcome visitors and new members, so ladies come along, make new friends and hear interesting guest speakers. Proceeds from raffles, trading tables & friendship outings go to paying for our 7 Learning for Life sponsorships of disadvantaged children through The Smith Family. VIEW Clubs are valued members of The Smith Family. PH: Di 0428727006 or Penny 0406484707 MAHJONG PLAYERS welcome to join us at Treetops Tavern every Tuesday at 10am. Contact Helen at 0414988449 and leave a message for more info. TWIN TOWNS STAMP CLUB meets on the first Monday of the month from 7:15pm at Tweed Heads Masonic Hall, 8 Boyd St., Tweed Heads. Experienced and new collectors welcome. Contact the secretary, Richard (0402868134). BRIDGE PLAYERS - Come and join a friendly group of social bridge players at the Share N Care Building 10th Avenue, Palm Beach. All welcome and you don’t need a partner. We play every Tuesday at 9.30am until noon. Contact Brian 0423251665. Come and keep your skills up to date. HELICONIA SPECIALIST 2 MARKET STREET, CARRARA Ph: 0415 323 815 DELIVERY AVAILABLE | OPEN 7 DAYS SCREENING HELICONIAS HUGE VARIETY OF TROPICAL GARDEN PLANTS INC. PALMS, GINGERS, CORDYLINES & COSTUS One of our most popular plants - Heliconias. This is a great example of how well they work as a screener. If you’re trying to hide your fence or the neighbours these will do the job. Choose from: Kawauchi, Rauliniana, Black Cherry, Jacquinii or Hot Rio Nites. plus many other plants to choose from.